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Friday, March 22, 2013

English Essay (Article) If I were a Minister of Education

Education in Indonesia is under the responsibility of the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Religious Affairs. In Indonesia, all citizens must undertake nine years of compulsory education which consists of six years at elementary level and three in secondary level. Islamic schools are under the responsibility of the Ministry of Religious Affairs.
Education is defined as a planned effort to establish a study environment and education process so that the student may actively develop his/her own potential to gain the religious and spiritual level, consciousness, personality, intelligence, behavior and creativity to him/herself, other citizens and for the nation. The Constitution also notes that education in Indonesia is divided into two major parts, formal and non-formal. Formal education is further divided into three levels, primary, secondary and tertiary education.
Children aged 6–11 attend primary school, called Sekolah Dasar (SD). Most elementary schools are government-operated public schools, accounting for nearly 93% of all elementary schools in Indonesia. Students spend six years in primary school, though some schools offer an accelerated learning program in which students who perform well can complete the level in five years.
After completion of the six-year primary-school program, three years of junior secondary school (JHS) may be followed by three years of senior secondary school (SHS), or students can choose among a variety of vocational and pre-professional junior and senior secondary schools, each level of which requires three years of study.

Indonesia has made little or no progress in field of education. Indonesia is more or less still far away from its avowed goal of education for all the inhabitants of this vast country. The standard of education is going down day by day. It makes development in our country has a little progress.
Besides that, In Indonesia there is a lot of dishonesty by naughty government. They are smart and rich. But they don’t have a nice moral. They do corruption, bribery, money laundering, etc. It makes tort of Indonesian.
In Indonesia, there are strikes and acts of violence everywhere. The whole structure of education seems to be on the breaking point. Ours is a democratic form of government. So, everyone high and low person should gave chance to aspire for the highest place in the government.

If I were a Minister of Education, I would bring about many changes in the education pattern of Indonesia.
The important things to make fun what you did is if you really understand that you want it. You know that you need it, but it isn't enough. So you should really want it. Learning is a important thing for improve our skill and knowledge. But, most of students feel so bored and it makes they lazy for went to school. So, of course when they went school, not willingly it just like a torture. And when they get torture, everything will be nothing. I mean, they will not care with the lessons. Yes, they are over there, but their feeling, and their mind aren't over there.  As we know, it will not improve anything of the students.
So, if i am the minister of education i will make students went to school because they want it willingly. And how it could? (www.arliasworld.blogspot.com)
First, The allocation hours of art, religion, history, literature, etc doesn’t like the step-lesson. Because it do not fair, students not only need to improve their exact lesson but it should be balance. They will learn about fun music and drawing. Because, art does not only help to develop the right side of the brain, but it also cultivates important skills that benefit a students development. Participating in art activities helps students to gain the tools necessary for understanding human experience, adapting and respecting others ways of working and thinking, developing creative problem-solving skills, and communicating thoughts and ideas in a variety of ways.
Students also need study more about history to learn how they got to where they are now, to learn what worked for people in the past, to learn not to make mistakes made in the past. Besides that students also will recognize a national heroes, respect their struggle, and students will love the independence of Indonesia. They will have the patriotism soul.
Students also need to reading and writing a stories. Reading and writing, in general, are undoubtedly some of the most valuable skills one can have obviously, having these skills makes is much easier for people to communicate and to participate in society. The written word can be used to enlighten, to persuade, to express emotion, or simply for enjoyment. With literature subject, students will improve their writing skill, and they need to love reading.
Religion subject also need to be fairness. Short hours lesson than exact subject will make unbalance between brain and soul. Knowledge of religion includes morals and manners should be taught more to students. Moreover, civil and physical education also needed by students which have many useful reasons.
Second changes in the education pattern of Indonesia which I will change is the Evaluation system in Indonesia. So, Evaluation system will free from the multiple-choice models. So, students are given the freedom to compose an answer. The knowledge of students are expanded in writing the answer.  Because, many students are very scared or maybe just lazy, then buy the National Exam question ilegally. Students are required to meet the minimum passing grade, not all students are able prioritize honesty. Multiple choice questions make it easier for naughty students to cheat.
Because of its value-oriented, consequently patterns of learning - teaching in the classroom. the students focus on how students could pass the National Exam. As a result, the students are learning in school is a skill to answer questions quickly and accurately. And being pursued by the teachers, principals, and the Minister of Education is the increase in graduation statistics. Not oriented in the spirit of true learning (learning-oriented) which should be the foundation of every person who ever taste of formal education.
Third, for graduation, the National Examination is replaced by the final form of social or scientific projects. So, students will realize that the real success is not not priority about numbers. However, starting from the diligence and hard work, not from a trick of answering multiple choice questions deftly.
Because, how the poor Indonesia students. The increasing people who go to school now. The news of the brawl between students, and students demonstrations also increased. Why? Because, In the school there is not enough space to training a polite communication through the discussion of exchange opinions between students. For several years students crammed a question that they will never encounter in real life. students are not equipped with critical thinking because they are not accustomed to writing. From the daily tests until the National Exam multiple-choice does not encourage them to love their library (to stimulate reading). So, it does not forming a creative mindset and open-minded to solving the problem of students.
And the last, i want to return back the essence of the teaching profession as an educator, not just teachers who only prepares students to pass the exam. Education in this country not just be a site for transfer knowledge to copied the teacher. But, students must be able to transform science education. So, the final purpose of education is to create a generation which able to answer the challenges of the world.

So if I were a minister of education, with the changes in the education pattern of Indonesia. I will improve the quality of education in Indonesia with my real steps. I hope I can create Indonesian successful generation and they can have the  Pancasila moral life. Then Indonesia will be full of intelligent and truthful people. Indonesia will free of corruption and violence. It will makes development in our country has a nice progress.

Sumber: Karangan Lia Ayu Kusumaningrum + Referensi dari berbagai sumber

Friday, March 15, 2013

Gue Dan Dead Girl Dancing

Kemaren lusa (13 Maret 2013) gue ke pameran buku di Kudus sama temen gue (Eva).
Gue beruntung dia mau nemenin. Siapa lagi kalo bukan dia.
Temen-temen gue pada males ke acara begituan.
gue nggak ngerti apa yang ada di pikiran mereka.
padahal milih-milih dan bingung nentuin novel yang harus dibeli, itu hal yang mengasyikan.
Tapi mungkin itu cuma menurut gue.

Padahal hari itu gue ngajak *someone*
sekalian ketemuan.
Dia terima sih.
Eh taunya pas udah mepet, dia malah ada acara sekolah gitu.
Nyebelin banget kan?
Gue ngambek -sebentar-
Tapi gue tetep pergi. 'cos gada cowo manapun yang bisa nyegah hobi gue.
Walopun ga sama dia, no problem.

Dan gue tiba di sana dengan selamat ^^
Gue fun aja tuh. Yap. semuanya tetep berjalan lancaaaaaarrrrr..

akhirnya gue dapet novel kereeen setelah kebingungan dan bimbang antara beberapa novel.
ngeriii kan judulnya? hahaa xD
gue suka novel misterius gituu...

Ini dia sedikit karateristik buku novel Dead Girl Dancing

Judul Buku: Dead Girl Dancing
Penulis : Linda Joy Singleton
Penerbit: Penerbit Atria
ISBN: 978-979-024-383-5
 Jumlah Halaman: 352 hlm
 Ukuran: 13 x 20,5 cm

Sinopsis Dead Girl Dancing:
Aku tidak percaya aku berada di tubuh yang salah-lagi!

Setelah sebelumnya berada di tubuh Leah, kini Amber masuk ke tubuh Sharayah, kakak pacarnya. Tapi kali ini bukan karena dia salah belok, melainkan karena dia dipilih menjadi Penghuni Sementara.

Sebagai Penghuni Sementara, Amber bertugas menjaga dan masuk ke tubuh yang ditinggalkan oleh jiwa yang galau.

Sekarang dia menghuni tubuh seorang mahasiswi baik-baik yang tiba-tiba berubah kepribadian menjadi berandal yang bersiap-siap untuk  bertindak liar di liburan musim semi—dengan dikejar oleh penguntit misterius dan seorang Penghuni Kegelapan. Tolong!


Hari ini gue udah selesai baca novel itu.
Ya, novel setebal 352 halaman. Termasuk cepet kalo kata temen gue yang gasuka novel.
Termasuk normal mungkin buat para novel lovers.

Karena kalo kamu uda tertarik sama alur cerita,
kamu akan sangat mudah mencari waktu buat segera nyelesaiin baca novel itu.

dan selesai baca ituuu..
gue jadi ketagihan baca lanjutannya -___-
seri pertama Dead Girl Walking , emang belum gue baca tapi gue uda bisa nebak alur nya
nah kalo seri ketiga, Dead Girl In Love...
Mana gue ngerti lanjutannya kalo gak bacaaa..
Jadi gue browsing sana sini berharap nemu ebook nya .

Susaaaahhhh bangettt!!!

Tapi akhirnya gue dapet :D :D :D

Gue dapet dari situs www.bookos.org (situs download novel free)
Di situ kamu bisa download buku luar negeri.
YA! buku novel luar negeri yang tentunya berbahasa inggris!

Oh God! Gue nggak terlalu jago ngerti bahasa inggris.
Dan sekarang gue harus baca novel favorit gue dengan bahasa inggris? What!

Gue pengen nyerah.
But, isn't it just like a narrative text?
Yes, gue uda sering baca narrative text di buku pelajaran.
Jadi gue pasti bisa.
Inikan sama ajaa...
lebiiiiiiihhhhhhh panjaaaaaaannggggg...

Akhirnya gue memutuskan menggunakan teknologi google translate.
Meskipun artinya kadang aneh gitu..
nggak nyambung gituuu -namanya juga robot-
but at least, gue bisa ngira-ngira yang mbah google maksud.

So,, di sinilah gue berada saat ini nranslate novel Dead Girl Dancing, dan baca dengan rada canggung sama bahasanya.
Anyway, no problem.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Lirik Jar Of Hearts + Arti By Christina Perri

 Lagu dari Christina Perri telah muncul sebagai lagu favorit di www.arliasworld.blogspot.com karena lagu-lagu yang liriknya bersedia aku post di sini adalah hanya lagu keren yang mengalami seleksi selama berhari-hari. Harus aku play dulu berkali-kali, haha :D bukan harus sih, sebenernya saking aku sukanya sama lagu keren ini.
Gak bosen deh sama nada dan suara Perri. Dan kamu bakal lebih kagum kalo kamu ngerti arti dari lagu ini. So, check this out. :)

No, I can't take one more step towards you
'Cause all that's waiting is regret
Don't you know I'm not your ghost anymore
You lost the love I loved the most

I learned to live half alive
And now you want me one more time

And who do you think you are?
Runnin' 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Who do you think you are?

I hear you're asking all around
If I am anywhere to be found
But I have grown too strong
To ever fall back in your arms

And I've learned to live half alive
And now you want me one more time

And who do you think you are?
Runnin' 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Who do you think you are?

And it took so long just to feel alright
Remember how to put back the light in my eyes
I wish I had missed the first time that we kissed
'Cause you broke all your promises
And now you're back
You don't get to get me back

And who do you think you are?
Runnin' 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Don't come back at all

And who do you think you are?
Runnin' 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
Tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
Don't come back for me
Don't come back at all

Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you are?

---------------------INDONESIA TRANSLATE------------------
Jar Of Hearts - Christina Perri (Bahasa Indonesia)

Tidak, aku tidak bisa mengambil satu langkah lebih dekat ke arahmu
Karena semua yang menunggu adalah penyesalan
Tidakkah kau tahu aku bukan hantu mu lagi
Kamu kehilangan cinta yang paling aku cintai

Aku belajar untuk hidup. Setengah hidup
Dan sekarang kau menginginkan aku sekali lagi

Dan siapa kau pikir dirimu?
Berlari meninggalkan bekas luka putaran
Mengumpulkan setoples hatimu
Dan merobek cinta terpisah
Kau akan menangkap kedinginan
Dari es di dalam jiwamu
Jadi jangan datang kembali untukku
siapa kau pikir dirimu?

Aku mendengar kau bertanya ke sekitar
Jika saja aku dapat ditemukan
Tapi aku telah tumbuh terlalu kuat
Untuk jatuh kembali dalam pelukan mu

Aku belajar untuk hidup. Setengah hidup
Dan sekarang kau menginginkan aku sekali lagi

Dan siapa kau pikir dirimu?

Berlari meninggalkan bekas luka putaran
Mengumpulkan setoples hatimu
Dan merobek cinta terpisah
Kau akan menangkap kedinginan
Dari es di dalam jiwamu
Jadi jangan datang kembali untukku
siapa kau pikir dirimu?

Dan butuh waktu lama hanya untuk merasa baik-baik saja
Ingat bagaimana menempatkan kembali cahaya di mataku
Aku berharap telah melewatkan pertama kalinya kita berciuman
Karena kau melanggar semua janjimu
Dan sekarang kau kembali
Kau tidak bisa mendapatkan saya kembali

Dan siapa kau pikir dirimu?

Berlari meninggalkan bekas luka putaran
Mengumpulkan setoples hatimu
Dan merobek cinta terpisah
Kau akan menangkap kedinginan
Dari es di dalam jiwamu
Jadi jangan datang kembali untukku
Jangan pernah kembali

Dan siapa kau pikir dirimu?

Berlari meninggalkan bekas luka putaran
Mengumpulkan setoples hatimu
Dan merobek cinta terpisah
Kau akan menangkap kedinginan
Dari es di dalam jiwamu
Jadi jangan datang kembali untukku
Jangan pernah kembali

siapa kau pikir dirimu?
siapa kau pikir dirimu?
siapa kau pikir dirimu? 

Liriknya udah..
Arti liriknya juga udah..
Okee, kamu tinggal nyanyiin ini di kamar mandi sepuas suara kamu..
Atau lebih elitnya lagi, covering Jar of Hearts versi kamu dan upload ke YouTube.com


Saturday, March 9, 2013

Malam Minggu Maret

Hai readers...
Happy saturday night! :)
How's your day? Fun? Boring? or Flat? -----

Well, malem minggu kali ini gue cuma di depan laptop gue sambil mencari kesibukan gitu.
Ya biar nggak terkesan kesepian gada kerjaan aja.
Mungkin bagi para couple sekarang lagi pada nongkrong gitu lah ya.
it's okay. buat para jomblo atau korban LDR, dsb...
Kalian bisa bersatu padu di blog gue buat cari inform atau sekedar baca postingan nggak penting ini.

Oh ya, taugaa...
tadi sebelum gue online, gue juga nyempetin dengan kesibukan laen gue loh..
mendekorasi kamar gue ^^
jadi gue kan abis mesen wall sticker gitu, nah gue baru sempet nempel di dinding kamar hari ini...
Capek sih, tapi puas abis liat hasilnya..

Meskipun abang gue ngoment mulu -__-
Sampe gue juga bingung campur emosiihh...
Miring lah.. gak rapi lah.. apalah...
sticker sticker siapa hah! kamar kamar siapa hah! wkwk xD

Trus kalo sista gue cuma ngritik motif wall sticker yang gue pilih sih..
tapi hal tersebut mampu gue sanggah kembali dengan baik.
'cz gue milih wall sticker itu bukan asal milih...
ada maknanya gitu deh.

-Sorry, belom sempet motret dinding kamar gue-

Jadi di wall sticker itu ada gambar perkotaan dan menara Eiffel (Paris)
Gue suka Paris :)
Dan di atas bangunan-bangunan hitam itu ada burung-burung yang terbang bebas.
Dan gue mengidamkannya..
Gue juga pengen bebas. Terbang lepas tanpa batas.

"When love beckons to you, follow him, Though his ways are hard and steep"

Kereeeen deh..

Okee, itu dia kutipan malam minggu gue di 9 Maret 2013.
Thank you ^^